Shaena tells the touching story of how she and Ben met and became engaged in her own words...
"Ben and I actually met way back in middle school. We didn't have too much to do with each other then, but when we went to high school we ended up sharing quite a few classes throughout the year. There was much flirting, but as is the way with many high school crushes, the timing or circumstances never worked out.
After we graduated, I pursued my public relations degree at Central Michigan University, while he worked towards his engineering degree first at Delta then at Michigan Tech. Despite the distance, we still managed to run into each other a couple of times a year. We attended the same church in our hometown, and midnight mass on Christmas Eve seemed to be our special catch-up time.
It was at this mass in 2010 that I was telling him about my sister's engagement, and how I needed to work on finding a date (I couldn't resist the opening to see if he was single) he replied that he would be my date! We exchanged numbers, and wished each other a Merry Christmas.
The next day, he said he knew my sister's wedding wasn't until July, but that he was pretty clumsy and we should definitely go on a practice date. Needless to say it went well!
Almost a year later at the beginning of mass at the same church we reconnected in, our priest asked if anyone had any announcements. Much to my surprise, Ben raised his hand! He walked to the front of the church and told everyone how in the past he has walked through life alone, but today he was hoping to rectify that mistake. He got down on one knee and asked me to spend my life with him. I said yes!
A little over a year later, we said our vows two feet in front of where he proposed! It was an incredible journey and we can't wait to write the rest of the story."
Shaena and Ben's wedding day...
The wedding reception was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Temple Theatre. As you can see the wedding party took some lovely shots within the interior of the theatre. As you may have also noticed, the bride and groom's names were featured on the marquee out front. These wonderful touches add up to an extra special day. Something old, something new - The Temple provides this and more!
Warm congratulations to Shaena and Ben. May you have a beautiful future together.
If you held your wedding at HORIZONS or The Temple and would like to be featured, please contact us. We would be honored to feature your story here. For more information, please call 989-799-4122.